Bonus post, coconut date rolls
Coconut date rolls I decided to give you a bonus recipe post. Since dates are a popular food in the Middle East, I'm giving you my favorite recipe involving dates. Right now this is one of my favorite potluck recipes. They are kind of healthy because they are fruit based, and sweet enough that most people will eat them. Since dried dates are a seasonal item, I went a little nuts picking up dates at the grocery store last winter. Yeah, that's the only kind of dates I get at the grocery store, or anywhere else for that matter... The ingredients are pretty simple. Dried dates and coconut. I like to use unsweetened macaroon coconut, but any sort of shredded coconut will work. There are a lot of different ways to prepare them. Just eat them as is, make buttered dates. rip them in half, and roll them so the sticky part faces out, or grind them up and make rolls. The best method I have found is to soak them in hot water for around 15 minutes, drain them, then dump them i...