
Showing posts from May, 2022

Blooming tea 10

Today we clebrate forbidden romance with a tea named for the most doomed couple ever. Okay, actually I just grabbed one of the 3 marbles I have left and cut it open. I think it was supposed to be green tea with rose, but it really didn't smell like anything. I guess it is pretty emblematic of teenage love. All those young people who feel things very deeply even though they have no clue who they are or what a healthy relationship should look like. This doesn't sound like something written by a cynical woman in her 40s, does it? Admittedly, I do a lot of strange things. I'll admit I was kind of excited to realize it was Sunday morning and "Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners" was on TV, and I could watch it while cleaning and de-cluttering my bedroom. I'm still working on downsizing my stuff. It turns out that this is really time consuming. I've also been finding a bunch of projects I've been meaning to do for a while, but never got around to until now. Yest

Blooming tea 9

Today we are looking at "Love Reflections" peach flavored tea bloom. I only had 4 marbles left, and three of them were a love theme. All of the tea blooms left appeared tall, so I decided to bloom it in a tall glass. I was also poised and ready to take a video of it blooming since they are so interesting to watch. As I watched, I realized this was possibly the most boring blooming tea I ever saw. It bubbled and floated a bit, but nothing particularly exciting happened. At some point, I realized that this one was a floater. A side floater. Then I realized that this was a golden opportunity to take a picture of a blooming tea's butt. No, that's not a technical term, but it is the part it is supposed to sit on... I realized this one was going to need a little help if it was going to look like anything, so I got a chopstick. Apparently reflections of love aren't that interesting. They need a little help along, otherwise they look a little pathetic. Right now I

Blooming tea 8

Today we are blooming "The First Kiss". I have no clue what flavor this is supposed to be. Lip balm? Who knows. It does have a vaguely fruity scent. It also looks a little like a heart. You know the drill: into the teapot, add hot water, look at the show. This time I used my digital camera to see if it would be compatible with this platform. I so want you to be able to see the alien emerge from its pod. It's alive! you can see little air bubbles coming out. Little tentacles burst free, reaching out to the world around it. Well, I don't think this one worked either. At least it didn't work when I previewed the video. Sigh. I ended up with a teapot jumble full of flowers. Since this one seemed to want to grow taller, I moved it to a tall glass instead. Success! I have a flower arch that is upright instead of being slumped over on its side. Of course about an hour later it was a mushy pile in the bottom of the glass, but hey, we had fun, right? As you can see