

Today we head to an island country in southeast Asia. The Philippines. These islands are just east of Malaysia. The pictures of the islands are beautiful, and tropical, and after a long winter that doesn't seem to want to end, I wish I was there.

In researching tea preferences of that region, I found ginger turmeric tea again. This version is a little more simple than the last version of ginger turmeric tea that I made. 

I decided to use my dried ginger. At some point I came along a video that said to pulverize the dried ginger with a mortar and pestle. This works a lot better for releasing the flavor of the ginger. It also smells amazing!

I also used my good old coffee filter brewing method. Coffee filters are so much cheaper than the tea filter bags sold for loose leaf. This bag filled out to be really full when the ginger re-hydrated, but it didn't explode, so it all worked. I used a heaping tablespoon of Turmeric with a couple pieces of ginger. It got simmered for 10 minutes in 2 cups (500 mL) of water. 

I'll admit that I was just a little bit proud of myself for choosing the perfect size cup to hold what I was left with at the end of the simmer time. My verdict? I liked it. It has a nice snap of ginger with the mellow turmeric. I always like finding other herbal tea alternatives to drink on cold evenings, and this tea has been added to my rotation of options. 


  1. I actually got around to trying another recipe. Check it out!

  2. You don't often have to worry about your tea exploding.

    1. You've heard of loaded cigars, right? They make fancy tea bundles that open up to look like flowers, so why not exploding tea bags.


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