Aged Earl Grey

Today's tea flavor was blended to evoke the flavors of Italy. Bergamot has long been a flavor name thrown around that meant nothing to me. It has long been associated with Earl Grey tea, but I've never seen it used anywhere else. I finally got around to googling it, and discovered that it is a lumpy citrus fruit. The description on the tea calls it bergamot orange. Google also indicates that there is bergamot herb, related to mint, and bergamot pears. I guess there's a reason why it has always been a little confusing to me as to exactly what bergamot is.

When I opened the tea bag, it was clear what kind of bergamot was used. A light citrus scent wafted out of the bag, along with the scent of tea. The package describes it as being strong enough to handle milk, yet mild enough to be served alone. I took my tea straight up. Earl Grey may not like the name of this tea (who wants their aging to be pointed out?), but I enjoyed having a cup of it.


  1. I wasn't sure what bergamot was either.

    1. I'm glad i wasn't the only one. Granted, I've never seen a bergamot at the grocery store, so they really aren't that common in this part of the world.

  2. Thank you for your articles that you have shared with us. Hopefully you can give the article a good benefit to us. Earl Grey Tea Pods


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