Chamomile Lemon

This tea blend represents Egypt. I never really thought about chamomile plants or where they grow. I actually did a little looking online and found a gardening blog that gave a nice overview. As you might ascertain from the picture on the tea bag, chamomile flowers look like daisies. While I'm not a huge fan of chamomile, it is said to help calm the stomach, so I brewed up a cup.
I've tried other flavored chamomile teas. They have always been really cheap brands of bagged tea, and have been really bad. Basically a poor quality flavor over chamomile. This tea brand is more expensive, and frankly, you get what you pay for. Yes, it does smell of chamomile. The lemon flavor adds a nice brightness to the flavor and negates the chamomile gag factor. While it may not be my favorite tea, this is the best chamomile I've ever had, and I'm able to finish a cup of it with no problems. These tea blenders obviously know what they are doing, and it is a nice tea to drink with an upset stomach (since I have a lot of experience with that lately).


  1. Replies
    1. Things are going a lot better this weekend. I'm back to complaining about allergies instead of something more unpleasant.


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