Jasmine Green

This tea, of course, is for China. According Numi's description, this tea originated in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and was reserved for the Imperial Court. Jasmine flowers are laid atop green tea leaves, and their scent is naturally embraced.

I couldn't resist scattering a few jasmine pearls around for this one. The instructions on the back of the bag say to steep for 2-3 minutes as the scent of spring fills the air. Considering we just got our fist big snow of the winter yesterday, I'm totally ready for spring! Today, when I post this, we've had several snows since then - in only a few short weeks, and survived actual temperatures of -24 F on Wednesday, to waking up to 42 F on Sunday morning.

I noticed the perfume of jasmine flowers as soon as I poured the water over the bag. I had my immediate fear of the feeling of drinking perfume. Either I'm getting used to jasmine tea, or high quality tea is way more palatable than the cheap stuff (yes!), but I liked this tea. It has a nice hint of spring without being perfumy, and has a nice green tea flavor base.

My view to the south looks a lot different now that the wagon shop has been torn down. We have had worse snows for sure, but this is enough for me! Here's hoping for little snow, and early spring.


  1. Definitely hoping spring will come soon! (We might hit 50 tomorrow, so I'll get at least a taste.)

  2. Tomorrow's high is listed as 47. Right now everything is icy/slushy slop and it's really foggy. The temperature may be springlike, but it certainly does not look warm or inviting outside.


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