Meditating monks with bobbin lace

 I had planned on making gyokuro a 2 part post. Unfortunately I never got to doing the second part of that post because the sad country song of my life continues. Let's just say that this year a hunter did not get Bambi's father, rather a 2011 Corolla killed Bambi's father. Well, the car started the job, the sheriff finished the job. My insurance should tell me that my car is totaled sometime in the next couple of days. Thankfully I'm okay aside from some rattled nerves, and I was able to get a rental car so I can get back and forth from work. My backup plan if I couldn't get a rental car was to ask my manager if she could get permission for me to sleep at the hospital until I was able to secure some transportation. I'm so glad that I didn't have to spend the last week sleeping at the hospital between shifts. It seems appropriate that the next picture in my lace and tea set series is my Chinese tea set with the meditating monks. They better be praying for my sanity at this point!

This is also a different style of lace from the first 2. Tatting is a knotted lace, and bobbin lace is a woven lace, so it is a completely different look. I had originally planned on making this into a choker. I was going to mount it on a piece of ribbon for that project. Before I went to the trouble of sewing lace to the ribbon, I experimented with making a choker out of the ribbon alone, and did not like it. So, the lace still waits for me to find a different use of it. 


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