Blooming teas 5

I finally decided to try blooming a taller looking tea marble in a glass. I opted for the orange one today (it does not smell like an orange)!
Tha alien slowly emerges from its pod...
And slowly sinks to the bottom of the water...
And looks like a sad pile of spent flowers...
So many of these wanted to be taller than the teapot, so when I finally gave one room to grow, it didn't. Just like all the other let downs in life. This alien reminds me of the end of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" where the aliens died because they lacked immunity to the pathogens of Earth. I even tried using a fork to see if it would stretch up taller. It didn't. As an aside, I found a rare bagged tea that I do like. It actually fits the theme of this post because it is orange flavored. It smells and tastes like an actual orange!
I had heard good things about it, but was hesitant to try it due to the inclusion of licorice root. Thankfully, there is no hint of licorice flavor. On to the rest of my day!


  1. The blooming teas are kind of like more expensive versions of those capsules with the toy sponge inside. You aren't sure what they'll grow into.

    1. So true. They are the artsy grown up version of those, and you aren't left with some thin, animal shaped sponges you don't know what to do with.


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