Strawberry tea?

Today I'm reviewing another disappointing tea from my order in January. This is from the place I order my favorite chocolate tea from. I decided to be brave, and try some new flavors of tea. Once I received my order, I promptly regretted my adventurous spirit. After trying the terrible chocolate teas, I decided to give "strawberry festival" a try. It's a green tea that one would think was strawberry flavored based on the name. I bet you already know where this is going... I opened the bag and smelled papaya. I knew with immediate disappointment that I had met this tea before. It was just like a "strawberry" oolong I had ordered years ago. That oolong had a strange taste to me. I did drink it, but it was not a favorite. I look at the ingredients: green tea (sencha), papaya + strawberry pieces, natural flavor.
This looks like a less precise sencha. I know this company buys all of their "Japanese" teas from China over concern for possible radiation contamination from the 2011 nuclear meltdown in Japan.
The brewing tea does not smell like strawberries. I think the strawberries got lost. They aren't here.
This is papaya green tea. It is meh at best. Some days I am okay with drinking it. Other days, well, it's not my cup of tea. I often refer to papaya as one of the orange slime fruits (mangoes are also in this category), and I'm not a huge fan of orange slime. Mental note to self, don't get any teas from them with vanilla or strawberry flavor listed.


  1. I'm not a big fan of mangoes either, but I love mango-flavored drinks for some reason.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I've had mango juice before and it was pretty good. That said, I don't want mango flavor tea either.


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