Super Irish Breakfast

I don't know what makes a regular Irish breakfast super. Maybe it's a breakfast that is really really Irish instead of average Irish? Maybe it's just better than most Irish breakfasts? I guess I'll never know.
You know that this is Irish because the package is green. Usually green packages are for green tea, but this one is black tea. I wanted to use one of my mugs with the ceramic tea strainer in it, but I didn't want smaller bits of loose leaf tea floating around in my tea.
By the time I was making this tea, my 16 oz tea pot, my gong fu set, and my 12 oz teapot were all in need of washing. In my defense, I went out with friends the night before, so I was tired from staying up late. As for the tea, it was pretty much your run of the mill black tea. I would probably need to brew some other black tea blends and try them next to this one in order to figure out the differences. After a frenzy of lace making during the holidays, I took a little break. Now I'm back to working on lace for home decoration. I recently tried out a new pattern. Technically there's more to this doily, but I'm not feeling it for home decor. Now I have a better idea, and a bit of a plan for what I want to make. Now to find the time and energy.


  1. Energy is always hard to come by at the end of January.

    1. At least we saw the sun today. Yesterday was a storm. It caused my lace guild to move the in person meeting date to next month and visit on zoom instead.


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