Blast from the Past: Sri Lanka

Thanks to a friend, we're heading back to Sri Lanka today. Life has been really hectic for the last couple of weeks, and promises to keep being a royal pain for a while, so I invited a friend over for tea. It's nice to be able to vent sometimes, and look for new ideas on how to deal with the crap life hands to you. Anyway, she brought me a box of tea that she got in her "World Box" subscription.

I'm not familiar with this brand of tea, but upscale bagged teas are usually pretty good. As you can see from the label, this is matcha with cinnamon and ginger. I tore open a bag, and took a sniff. The scent of ginger wafted out with a hint of cinnamon. This is a promising start. Then I brewed myself a cup.

This is the first bagged tea I've tasted that has ever gotten the cinnamon right! The cinnamon isn't strong, and bitter like it is in most bagged teas. It is a mellow, soft cinnamon flavor like you get when using a real cinnamon stick. There is the perfect balance of flavors between the ginger and cinnamon. I'm always happy to find a good bagged tea to drink because some days, you need the quick convenience of dunking a bag in hot water and getting on with your day. Thank you to my friend who gave me this tea. It's the perfect start to busy mornings. Now to imagine myself somewhere exotic and relaxing.


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